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“Luan Joy Sherman vs. The State of Maine”, 2017

This piece is intended to document and expose the problematic dynamics that many trans people have to manage when trying to obtain updated legal identity documents. The to-do list for trans folks attempting to change their name and gender markers on legal documents may include but is not limited to: birth certificates, utilities accounts, phone bills, health insurance, hospital records, driver’s license, passports, legal state ID, school registration information, diplomas, vehicle registration, social security, employment information, tax information, and every other instance when you fill out paperwork that requires you to sign your name and indicate your gender. For trans folks attempting to fly under the radar of cis violence, these documented instances of identity follow you around like a specter; a phantom-you that once existed can appear at any moment and out you, cost you your job, prevent you from accessing public spaces, or get you denied healthcare. These challenges and barriers associated with obtaining updated documents are just one of the myriad factors contributing to trans unemployment rates, homelessness, and violence against trans people.