Flatfile » mie frederikke Fischer Christensen »
Film, 2 min loop, 2014, reedit 2016.
This film was not only the starting point of our research for the following installation and performance “Well Now it Looks as if You are Armed for Battle” it was also our very first collaboration and set the tone for our practice as a duo. Not knowing what the project would eventually lead to, we started out “reenacting” a famous catfight-scene from the soap opera “Dynasty”. After re-filming the scene shot by shot, the project changed shape in the editing room where we cut the film down to the speechless dialogue between the two women. Communicating only by intense, aggressive stares, their sleek contoured mask´s doesn’t hide the exertion of every muscle in their face. Their faces are carved with the obviousness of their role, as they both express to excess their woman to woman drama without ever revealing any reason or logic behind their wordless struggle.
- Prologue