Unyimeabasi Udoh, "altar head for an oba (my brother)" (detail, 2018). Tetrapytch of eight silkscreen prints on matte Duralar, 14”x11” (each panel; dimensions of the arrangement vary)
Unyimeabasi Udoh, "altar head for an oba (my brother)" (detail, 2018). Tetrapytch of eight silkscreen prints on matte Duralar, 14”x11” (each panel; dimensions of the arrangement vary)
HAS BEEN is a one-year-in-the-waiting group exhibition of new and pre-existing works by artist residents from Chicago's ACRE Projects, installed in a former home. Founded in 2010, ACRE is a non-profit organization designed to support emerging artists as they develop, discuss, and present their artistic practices. This is the first Austin showing of works by all four artists.
Objects and images by Fry, García Jácome, Ortiz-Gallo, and Udoh spotlight both public and private archives of what-has-been that just aren't cutting it anymore. Each artist in their own way has responded to glaring lacks with human-scaled vulnerability, poignant variation, and loving homage.