
Outmoded Shapes at Blanc Gallery curated bu Rohan Ayinde Event / Opening Reception >Blanc Gallery

2023-06-03T17:00:00 – 2023-06-03T21:00:00

ACRE Summer Daze Event / Party >Music House

2023-05-28T15:00:00 – 2023-05-28T20:00:00

Perhaps Blue is a Cool Color, After All Event / Opening Reception >ACRE Projects

2023-04-06T18:00:00 – 2023-04-06T21:00:00

Glossolalia_Jeff+David_02/23 Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2023-02-25T18:00:00 – 2023-02-25T20:00:00

Photograoh of a Trader Joes bag painted blue by Frances Lee against a white background. Event / Opening Reception >The University of Illinois Springfield Visual Arts Gallery

2023-02-02T17:30:00 – 2023-02-02T20:00:00

A blue human figure swims against a blue background surrounded by the words 'Water Signs" and the address of the gallery 2439 S Oakley Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2022-12-02T18:00:00 – 2022-12-02T21:00:00

A black and white image renders with a blue overtone depicts two women in the foreground holding each other's arms as they lean back and spin around. In the background more people are doing the same. Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2022-09-24T19:00:00 – 2022-09-24T22:00:00

Image of the artist dressed in a colorful costume wading in water. Test over the image gives the details of the screening "She's landed a migration story, performative series by Zitlali" Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2022-09-10T18:00:00 – 2022-09-10T22:00:00

Text detailing the opening of the exhibition, Our Mothers' Gardens, is overlaid on the image of a beautiful pale blue sky full of cumulus clouds. Event / Opening Reception >Blanc Gallery

2022-08-20T15:00:00 – 2022-08-20T18:00:00

Photograph depicting an asphalt road with lush greenery surrounding it. Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2022-05-06T18:00:00 – 2022-05-06T21:00:00

A still image of Johanna Winter's shadow puppet piece, "Untouching" featuring a silhouette of a hand reaching to a silhouette of two small feet Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2022-04-01T18:00:00 – 2022-04-01T21:30:00

Still image from video work featuring a blurred figure upside down doing a front flip Event / Opening Reception >Drama Club

2021-12-03T16:12:00 – 2022-01-02T16:12:00

Detail shot of a quilt made by Stamm featuring a row of shells, a rainbow, and text stating "WE ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS OF ENDANGERED SPECIES." Event / Release >Drama Club

2021-11-21T20:00:00 – 2021-11-21T21:00:00

Photograph of three small orange boot sculptures on a white and blue backdrop Event / Opening Reception >4th Ward Project Space

2021-10-17T16:00:00 – 2021-10-17T19:00:00