What's Happening at ACRE This Summer

Update / 7.5.23

ACRE Residency Summer 2023

For the past 14 years, ACRE has built on our commitment to develop and nurture a supportive community with emerging artists from around the country at the residency. Each summer we gather over 200 artists at the Mother Earth Green Center and Steuben Lodge in Wisconsin to foster ACRE’s Residency Program. As an iterative and emergent project of co-creation, the residency is a hub for the critical connections and experimentation from which all of our work stems.

This year when we gather at the farm, we’re making space and devoting time to community-led strategic planning.To borrow a term from the folks at the Allied Media Conference, 2023 for ACRE is “a chrysalis year." The chrysalis year is a way of presuming our power to shape our future in collaboration with our vast network.


What does a chrysalis year mean for ACRE?

The time we’re devoting to strategic planning means that our collective work at the farm this summer and throughout this year will be to deepen the relationships that are central to our work, and cultivate our cooperative and collaborative structure so that we can build a more sustainable, supportive future.

How does this impact this year’s residency?

Advancing new means of support for artists means assuming our collective power to build a generative organization that can support the lifetime of their practices. To help accomplish this, we’re pausing the residency program for this year and will resume next year.

Are there ways to participate in any ACRE strategy sessions?

Although in-person strategy sessions are already underway at the farm, we’re excited to share ways in the coming weeks that you can participate in various aspects of this process. 

After all, there is no ACRE without the opportunity for artists to return to it, influence and question it, engage in decision making, and share knowledge and skills. 

Click here to be notified when remote opportunities become available

When will the residency resume?

We look forward to welcoming a new cohort of artists to our residency in Summer 2024. Click here for application information